Thursday, April 29, 2004

I just put Maddy down for a nap after feeding her. I could tell she was tired because she got real fussy. After holding her for a few minutes and walking around the kitchen table at least 8 times, I walked her into her room and layed her in her crib. I stroked her hair for a few minutes and then left. She cried for about five minutes, got quiet, cried for about five more minutes and she's been sleeping ever since (about 30 minutes so far). I am so happy that she is sleeping well in her crib. I told Steve to try this with her during the day when she seems like she's ready to sleep. He tried it today and she took an hour long nap for him in her crib. I will definitely try to put her in there for naps when I'm home on the weekends. We might actually have this down before summer break even gets here! The biggest challenge is keeping Jackson out of her room! He's so nosy. Speaking of Jack, I have him trapped in the office with me, but he's whining so I should probably go take him out. :)

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

O.k so I'm not transferring to Lakeview. I am actually staying and will be teaching a 2nd/3rd "multi-age" class. It should be interesting. Everyone thinks I'm nuts for passing up the chance to transfer because I would have been teaching a 15 student 1st grade! I look at it as it's going to be a lot of work either way so I might as well stay where I'm comfortable. Plus Lakeview's start time is earlier than ours, and I'm already getting up at 5:30 every morning!

Monday, April 26, 2004

Maddyson hit some milestones this weekend. She was 12 weeks on Saturday, and this was the first weekend that she slept in her crib, in her own room. On Friday night I fed her and put her into her crib around 11 p.m. Then I went to bed and cried. She slept there until 7 0'clock the next morning. We both got a good nights sleep. Saturday night was the same thing. We put her down at 11, and she slept until 8 o'clock Sunday morning. She woke me up because I could hear her talking in her crib, not even crying.

Our weekend was a bit stressful because we were just too busy. Maddy didn't get any good naps in. I promised her that next weekend would be much more low key. She definitely did not enjoy the Wave game on Saturday night!

The other milestone is we are now possibly giving her 6 ounces at bottle feedings instead of 4. We'll see how she does today with Steve. I have been able to pump 6 ounces during my lunch hour so I thought we would offer it to her and see if she'll take more than 4.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

I found out today that I will be transferring schools next year. I will no longer be teaching kindergarten at Luther. I will be teaching at Lakeview, but I don't know what grade yet. I assume either first or second. I have mixed feelings about it because I do like the Luther staff a lot, but a fresh start isn't the worst thing either.

Sunday, April 18, 2004

Last night I went out to a club for the first time since long before Maddy was born. Rebecca and I went to Eve for a couple of hours. We danced and chatted. I had two cranberry juices and ice water (still breastfeeding, of course)! I had a good time, although I'm realizing that going out to clubs may not happen so often for me anymore. It's good to get out every once in a while, but I would rather be home with my family. ;)

Monday, April 12, 2004

I am so excited to have this week off. The three weeks that I was back at school went by pretty quickly. After break only eight weeks to go until summer vacation! I just registered for another course at UWM. I'm only taking one this summer - three nights a week for four weeks. That gives me lots of time to spend with Maddyson. I'll be done by the end of July, and that's when she'll be 6 months old. Time to slather on the sun block and hit the pool!

Yesterday was Easter. Steve and I did a reading in church. Steve held Maddy while we did it. It was nice. After church we rushed home to feed Maddy before meeting my family out for Easter brunch. We spent the evening bouncing back and forth between my parent's house and Steve's brother's house. It was quite a long day for us - we're always the ones who drive from place to place to fit everyone in. But Maddy was great. She was exhausted by 10:00 p.m. and fell asleep as soon as we got into bed for her last feeding.

I was finally able to get Maddyson and Nathan together for some pictures. They looked so cute dressed up in their Easter outfits. We propped them up on the couch together and just clicked away.

This week is just a time to be with my family and relax. I have a facial at the Aveda school tomorrow. Thursday Steve wants to play BINGO because it's free on his birthday month, and Friday we're going to a Wave game while Laura watches Maddy. We wanted to go to the museum on Wednesday and check out the new Egyptian artifacts exhibit, but I've heard that it costs extra so we're not so sure if we're going now. I have an educator pass so I can get in free, but it's still pretty expensive with parking and regular admission prices! We'll see.

Friday, April 02, 2004

Maddy's 2 Month Check Up

Maddyson had her 2 month checkup this afternoon. She weighed 10 pounds, 7 ounces. We were surprised because we thought she was at least 11 pounds. She was 24 inches long (in the 95th percentile)! We have a tall, thin girl on our hands. She is looking more mature. Can't believe how quickly they grow and change.

Everything went well. She's healthy, but she also had to have three shots. I helped hold her legs down while the nurse gave two shots in her left thigh and one in her right. Poor thing. She screamed each time. It didn't help that she was tired and fussy anyway. But she did fall right to sleep afterward. We gave her Tylenol before the appointment to help with the pain. I missed going to the Wave game with Steve tonight because I just wanted to be with Maddy. She shouldn't be going anywhere, and I really didn't feel comfortable letting anyone else watch her tonight - just in case. She's been sleeping most of the day since her appointment, only waking for feedings. I think that's best for her right now. No pain when you're sleeping. Right now Jack is laying right next to her on the couch. He's either trying to be close to her or trying to tell me that he's boss by laying in my spot.