Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

all you can eat crab legs
dinner with family
dad's happy
husband's full
don't forget ice cream on the way home

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Max Spends His Half Birthday at the Zoo

Max is 1 1/2! Our baby boy can say hi, bye, dog, Mama, go, and Da (daddy and Maddy). He can climb onto the couch all by himself, follow directions, put dirty diapers into the garbage can, open and close the patio door (escape), irritate his big sister, get his shoes and jacket when he wants to go outside, throw AND catch a ball and dunk his head underwater (with Daddy's help).

Today we spent the morning at the zoo. Maddy had zoo camp for 2 hours, first time without Steve or I. She did great and had a fantastic time. Meanwhile we walked Max around the zoo to look at all the big animals. It was a gorgeous day, despite what most weather reports said it was going to be like. I still think meteorologists are the most overpaid people. Beautiful time had by all.

Happy half birthday Max!

Thursday, June 04, 2009

No More Milk

After breastfeeding Max everyday of his 17 1/2 months, we are officially weaning. I have mixed feelings about it because I have really enjoyed this time with him and the bond that it has created between us. But I am also enjoying the freedom that comes with only eating and drinking for myself again. ;)

I knew that weaning him would eventually happen and that it would be bittersweet. I am facing the fact that I will most likely never breastfeed again since we are probably not going to have anymore children. So I am sad that we are coming to the end of a special time. But I am very proud of myself for being able to give him such a great thing for so long.

I nursed Maddy for 12 months and now Max for nearly 18 months. And I am so glad that I did that for my children.