Monday, December 01, 2003

31st Week of Pregnancy

Oh my! It’s been a while since I’ve written!  We are now in our 31st week. Everything seems to be going very well. I have another doctor appointment tomorrow. I’m hoping I didn’t gain too much weight over the Thanksgiving holiday!  My belly seems to have grown quite so.
Yesterday Steve and I went to Mayfair Mall to a store called Build a Bear and we had the baby’s first teddy bear made. Steve got to help stuff it, and we both put a little heart in it before it was sewn up. We were told to make a wish and then kiss the heart. I wished for a happy, healthy baby. I’m sure Steve wished the same.  We named the bear Winter because the baby will be born in winter.
We have narrowed down our names quite a lot. We’re now really pulling toward Owen Michael if it’s a boy. For a girl, we have decided we really like Madysen (or maybe Maddison) even though it’s quite a popular name right now. We thought if we like it enough, we should name our baby it no matter who else is using it. Steve wants to change the spelling from the traditional Madison. We are still struggling with middle names. I suggested Olivia. I really like it. It’s quite old fashioned to go with the trendy name of Madysen.
The baby has really been moving a lot lately. It covers a great deal of my stomach now even making the sides of my belly jump. Last week he started kicking up under my right ribs. Nothing is hurting or uncomfortable yet, but some movements are very strong! Steve told me today that I am beautiful. He encourages me that I am supposed to be growing like this.
This weekend is my shower. I’m excited to see everyone and to have a better idea of some of the things we have for the baby now. We will eventually have to fill in the gaps and probably spend a substantial amount of money! Kollette and Kourtney are throwing my shower for me with the help of my mom. Kourtney and I are throwing Kollette’s. My Aunt Sharon was nice enough to let us use her house for Kollette’s shower because of a need for space! I mailed out Kollette’s invitations today.