Thursday, July 29, 2004

Another Week Gone By

We all survived the Chicago trip, and it wasn't as traumatic as I thought it would be. Maddy did just fine with my sisters. Steve and I had a good time. We did a little shopping and watched the soccer game on Sunday. I had a glass of wine with dinner on Sat. night and then had a Long Island Iced Tea at the hotel bar. That's about all I needed.

This weekend was good for Maddyson to be with other people. I noticed this week that she is becoming more comfortable. She let Liz, Louise and a friend of Louise's hold her at the gyro stand at the lakefront on Wednesday. She let Kourtney and Grandpa hold her as well. She still likes to know where I am, but at least she's not pouting and crying right away.

Maddy does not object to tummy time at all anymore. When I put her down on the floor to play, she usually rolls right to her stomach. She is pushing up on her hands now and lifting herself nice and high. She is also pushing from her feet a bit. Sometimes she sticks her butt in the air. I think these are the beginning signs of crawling, but it will be a little while.

Friday, July 23, 2004

We Leave Tomorrow

Tomorrow afternoon Steve and I leave for a short weekend trip to Chicago. We'll be gone until Sunday night. I'm looking forward to the trip, but I am really going to miss my baby. This is going to be difficult for us as much as we know we should do it. I just feel that Maddy is going to be so upset the entire time we're gone. My sister Kourtney is taking care of her, and we chose to have Kourtney stay at our house so Maddy is in a familiar environment. My mom is five minutes away and Kollette is helping out on Sunday. I just feel guilty leaving her, even though it's with family, because she has become so attached to Steve and I this summer. Anytime anyone else holds her, she always looks for me - she has to know where I am. It's so cute, but at the same time, I want her to feel comfortable with the other people in her life. 

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Summer School is Over!

My summer course ended tonight. Yay! I think I will get an A. Great instructor who always let us out early. Easy assignments. I wish she taught more courses at UWM.

The past two nights while I've been at class, Maddyson has been rolling back and forth for Steve. She rolls onto her tummy and then rolls back to her back. Tonight Steve said she did one complete roll where she started on her back and ended on her back. I guess I missed it by about 10 mintues. I was at my parents house getting Kollette's breast pump for the weekend. Steve and I are going to Chicago with some friends for a Manchester United soccer game. We're leaving our dear daughter with Kourtney and Jamar. I'm a little nervous, but I know it will be good for all of us. Good for Steve and I to have a night out together and good for Maddyson to have some new faces to look at besides her mom and dad. I'll miss her so much, but I know she'll be fine. And I may have a drink or two. It's been 14 months!

Monday, July 19, 2004

Our Summer

Summer is about half over, but so far I have enjoyed every moment with Maddyson. Steve and I have also had a lot of time together since he has been home with us during the days. It's nice to do things as a family on days other than the weekends. I still have 5 or 6 weeks left of being at home, and I plan on taking full advantage of my time with my family. Once the school year starts, I will be so busy - one class at UWM and a new grade to teach. I really try not to think about it, but I do have to start putting some planning time in since I have neglected it so far. Once I am done with this final paper for my summer course, I can put a little energy into my new classroom.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

More Firsts for Maddy!

Today was a fun day with Maddyson. This morning Steve and I decided to take her to the wading pool in Tippecanoe Park. The weather has been humid and hot for the past couple days (finally) and I just bought her swimming diapers and baby sunblock so we were all set. We dressed her in her mathcing swimsuit, skirt and hat. Then loaded her into the stroller with our cameras and set off for the park. The pool is actually free which surprised me because it costs money to run and you'd think they'd be charging with the way things are nowadays. Steve videotaped us as I carefully lowered Maddy into the water - just her feet at first. She didn't really react so we slowly moved a little deeper. She really liked it. We got a few smiles and one loud shriek. I swished her around in the water and Steve sat with her for a while. We only stayed for about 30 minutes, but that was long enough. We loaded her back into the stroller and started for home. She was asleep before we were even out of the park. I want to take her again because it was really fun to watch her quietly enjoying that experience.

The other first happened later this afternoon after her nap (1 hour 15 minutes). Steve had Maddy playing on the floor on her blankets when she pulled her feet up to her mouth and started sucking on her toes. Loudly! So of course Steve grabbed the camera and now we have that on film as well. For the past couple weeks she has been grabbing her feet and holding on to them, but today she finally put them into her mouth. Too cute!

Thursday, July 08, 2004

A Walk in the Park

Maddy and I went for another walk this morning because we finally had another dry day. Since she was still awake when we got to the playground, I put her in one of the infant swings and pushed her for a few minutes. She sat there with a big smile on her face. I tickled her feet every time she came near. Then I put her back into her stroller and we went home.

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

New Bathroom

Our bathroom is almost done. Today Steve painted the wall behind the toilet and new sink, and the toilet was installed for the last time. Tomorrow the sink and other fixtures are being put in. I think we can start showering in our own bathroom again! Then we're just waiting for the electrician to finish up. Now Steve and I (mostly me) have to pick out towel racks and other accessories. It will be so nice when everything is done. Can't wait.

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Maddyson is 5 months old!

Our girl is already 5 months old. She is so much fun now. Every day is really enjoyable, and I am so grateful to have my summer off with her, this summer and every summer from now on! I can't count how many kisses she gets each day from Steve and I, but she loves them all - on her neck, on her cheeks and on her tummy.

Today she sat on a park swing for the first time. She did pretty well. I pushed her gently and also tried to take some pictures. I could hardly get her to look my way - she was so intrigued by everything else that was going on at the playground.

It is very difficult to try and express the love that we have for our daughter. She is a gift from God, and we truly feel blessed. We take pleasure in giving her everything that she needs. What a wonderful way we get to start each day - by walking into our daughter's room and finding her playing in her crib, so happy and excited to see us. We love you Maddyson.