Sunday, October 26, 2003

25th Week of Pregnancy

We are now 25 weeks along. 15 more weeks to go! Time is going by so quickly. We are almost done with the first quarter at school already. I am right in the middle of assessing my kids for everything under the sun!
The baby seems to be doing fine. Still moving quite a lot. I go for my next checkup on Halloween. I hope that I was able to keep my weight a little more under control. I had gained 7 pounds at my last appointment. I want to stay in the 4 pound range between every visit.
Steve thinks that he was able to hear the heartbeat last weekend. He thinks it was the baby’s and not mine because it was beating quite fast. My stomach is getting bigger!  Sometimes my skin itches. I’ve been using stretch mark lotion every day. I am really hoping to keep the stretch marks to a minimum!!
We have the crib and the crib bedding as well as a new bookshelf in the nursery now. We’re probably going to register at Baby Depot and Target next weekend. We thought it would be a good idea to get that out of the way before Steve’s knee surgery. My family and Courtney are planning my shower for early December (I think) so we do need to get registered soon anyway.