Friday, July 23, 2004

We Leave Tomorrow

Tomorrow afternoon Steve and I leave for a short weekend trip to Chicago. We'll be gone until Sunday night. I'm looking forward to the trip, but I am really going to miss my baby. This is going to be difficult for us as much as we know we should do it. I just feel that Maddy is going to be so upset the entire time we're gone. My sister Kourtney is taking care of her, and we chose to have Kourtney stay at our house so Maddy is in a familiar environment. My mom is five minutes away and Kollette is helping out on Sunday. I just feel guilty leaving her, even though it's with family, because she has become so attached to Steve and I this summer. Anytime anyone else holds her, she always looks for me - she has to know where I am. It's so cute, but at the same time, I want her to feel comfortable with the other people in her life. 

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