Monday, May 10, 2004

Maddy's Dedication Day and My First Mother's Day

Yesterday was Mother's Day and Maddy's dedication at church. The day went really well. The church service was nice. Steve, Maddy and I were called up to the front of the church with our parents. The pastor said a nice blessing and formally introduced Maddy to the congregation. After church, we had everyone over for lunch. Maddy was fussy because there were so many people over and she was tired. She did not want to nap, though. I'm sure she was afraid she would miss something. Of course, after everyone left, she was so good. When it's just Steve and I around, she really seems to enjoy herself.

We received some nice gifts. Maddy got yellow tulips, a picture frame, some clothes and money that's going right into her account this week. I got some shirts from Kourtney, a book from Kollette (birthday gifts) and flowers from my parents and Louise. Steve gave me a gift certificate to the day spa (from Maddy) and the new Janet CD. It was a pretty busy day.

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