Saturday, May 22, 2004

We are having such a hard time getting Maddy to take naps during the day. She sleeps great at night in her crib, but does not like going down for naps during the day. She'll sleep in her chair occasionally, but those naps are short because there are too many things that can wake her up.

Right now she's overtired and way too upset to fall asleep. Steve held her for a while and then I put her down in her crib. She cried, fell asleep for five minutes and cried again. I think we are just going to have to keep putting her in her crib so she gets the idea that that is where she is supposed to be napping. I'm glad I have the summer off to work this problem out with her. We should have her napping well by her 6 month mark at the end of July. Hopefully!

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