Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Summer School is Over!

My summer course ended tonight. Yay! I think I will get an A. Great instructor who always let us out early. Easy assignments. I wish she taught more courses at UWM.

The past two nights while I've been at class, Maddyson has been rolling back and forth for Steve. She rolls onto her tummy and then rolls back to her back. Tonight Steve said she did one complete roll where she started on her back and ended on her back. I guess I missed it by about 10 mintues. I was at my parents house getting Kollette's breast pump for the weekend. Steve and I are going to Chicago with some friends for a Manchester United soccer game. We're leaving our dear daughter with Kourtney and Jamar. I'm a little nervous, but I know it will be good for all of us. Good for Steve and I to have a night out together and good for Maddyson to have some new faces to look at besides her mom and dad. I'll miss her so much, but I know she'll be fine. And I may have a drink or two. It's been 14 months!

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