Friday, August 29, 2003

17th Week of Pregnancy

This past week was a busy one. I was back in my classroom getting it ready for the school year. I announced that I was pregnant at the faculty meeting yesterday. Everyone was really happy for me, and some said that they had a feeling I might be.
I’m in my 17th week, and I have been feeling the baby. At first I wasn’t sure if it was gas bubbles or what, but now I know it’s the baby! Steve wants to feel too, but it’s too early for him.
I bought some maternity clothes on-line at They came in the mail today, and they are soooo cute. I bought a pair of black jeans, a pair of khaki cords and a denim skirt. $100 worth! I think I have a good set of clothes now, but I need a few more tops.
My mom lost her new job at Warner Cable. I feel awful for her. It was on my mind most of the day. She was not able to pass the final exam with a high enough score so they let her go yesterday. Now she has to get back to the job hunt again. She seemed to be worried about what she was not catching on to during her training, but it was still quite an upsetting surprise. Now my parents are once again without health insurance – the absolute last thing I would want for them. I’m glad she can pick herself up and keep going.

Tuesday, August 12, 2003

15th Week of Pregnancy

I’m so sad right now. I just got home a little while ago from dropping Jack off at the vet’s. He’s being neutered tomorrow. I barely got to say goodbye to him. They just whisked him away. All I got was a quick kiss to him before he was gone. I cried a little on the way home because I kept thinking about how much he likes going for car rides, and then I take him to the vet’s and leave him there! We get to pick him up in two days. I just want him back home again. It really makes me realize how much we have come to love him in the short five months that we’ve had him. My Jack.
I am now in my 15th week. I think my stomach is starting to bulge a little. I still haven’t really grown out of much, but things are starting to feel snug. We stopped at the Johnson Creek outlet mall last week after Wisc. Dells. I bought two shirts and two pairs of pants from Motherhood Maternity. My mom also got me a couple things that were on clearance at Kohl’s. I still need khakis and other pants that I can wear to school. I’m going to look at Target too. I saw a few cute things there.
We had our second doctor’s appointment last week. We were able to hear the heartbeat. It took my doctor a little while to find it – that scared me for a second, but then we heard it. The baby’s heart beats very fast. The doctor said it’s almost twice as fast as ours. I have scheduled an ultrasound for early September. That will be fun to see. All the organs are now formed.
We have also found another boy’s name that we like. This weekend we both agreed that Griffin was a neat name for a boy so now we have Aidan and Griffin. I still think we need a few more ideas.
Today I signed us up for a birth and parenting class that starts in November. It’s six sessions and we also get to tour the birthing center at St. Mary’s. I also signed up for a breastfeeding class that is one night in December.